living in color

As part of the Manifest Urban Arts Festival, Columbia College Chicago’s Illustration class of 2023 designed 8-foot tall illustrations to be displayed in the windows of the student center. Choosing a blue hue as my inspiration, I digitally illustrated “Moon Temple” as my contribution to this collective exhibition. Read more about this piece below.

Sketches and process for “Moon Temple.”

moon temple

Drawing inspiration from the divine feminine, Roman statues and their ethereal depictions of drapery, and mythology, I illustrated this temple dedicated to the moon. With water and the moon symbolizing femininity in nature, this environmental scene is as powerful as it is magical. A faceless statue, perhaps a Goddess, stands in the middle of a large, dark pool with the magical water of life streaming from her hands. A human watches her from the water, tiny in comparison to the mighty statue, praying for the Goddess’ wisdom and virtue.


autumn in michigan


tournament map